Languages · Manga

Manga is Linguistic

Stumbled across this fascinating blog when I Googled for linguistic resources. I’ve always wanted to incorporate my love for comics and Japanese animation in my studies and this seem to be one of the viable ways to do it. The blogger co-authored an article titled The vocabulary of manga: Visual morphology in dialects of Japanese Visual Language in the Journal of Pragmatics. I love this concept.

Because this is about visual linguistics, it brings to mind the study of sign languages in general. I have a special interest in Japanese Sign Language, having studied Nihongo but not yet well-versed in the language of the Japanese Deaf. I just checked out a JSL dictionary from the university library which is a poor substitute for actual immersion into the community that uses the language but seeing as I’m living (for now) in a society that’s driven by English, it’s a start.

Now, back to my anime marathon-ing.